Pride 2014

The world celebrates gay pride this week and we have our own version of celebrating in our training center. It was actually my first time to wear skirt and high heels in my entire life so I thought I need to document this event in my life. My students organized a party for their Nutrition to apply everything they have learned from the module. Since they were few proud gays in the class, they have decided to make a pageant they have called 'Ms. Biotin 2014'. Biotin is a vitamin that sounds like 'bayot' which means a gay person in gay 'linggo'. It was never a secret in our school that I'm gay but since I am still closet outside our family friends and relatives because my parents were conservative and also the owners of our training center were also conservative people, I have decided to disguise myself by covering my face. It was a hard decision, not by joining or wearing makeups and skirt, but it was hard covering my face because as I sai...