
Today is my birthday. Yes!, I was born February 6, 1986. It means that I am 27 years old. But one thing I know, life is great at any age. I must admit that I feel what other people also feel when birthdays come in, the 'birthday anxiety attack'. I never felt this before because I always celebrate it with my friends and family and always busy preparing for party. But this year, I chose to celebrate it by preparing an intimate dinner with my family. Probably because I am jobless at this moment so I don't want to spend a lot even my parents insisted me to invite my friends. This is also good opportunity for me to just be with them and feel their presence on my birthday. After all, I was born because of them and I love them so much.  Another reason is a lot of things happened last year that I felt like I have nothing to celebrate about. So I am looking for another year of blessings and miracles so that I can celebrate it next year. Being single sucks!. I didn't receive special gift from special someone, there's no surprise and the experience is unusual for me.  I feel that no one cares for me but I realized how many my friends are to just message me and remember my birthday and through Facebook, they greeted me on my timeline. Also, being jobless makes me think of being a less of a person, but at the back of my mind, I should not tolerate such thinking because it will only lessen my confidence and can harm me to death. I'm halfway on my masters degree and I believe that there are lot of opportunities coming my way and by faith I know that I will be successful at the right time. Still, I am grateful because I am still alive and God continues to bless me each day. Happy Birthday to me!


  1. Aha! Happy 27th birthday. One day, you'll look back at this post and maybe you'll feel differently. =)


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